My Story

For years, I did everything I was supposed to do. I played by the rules, worked hard, and tried to fit into a life that never quite felt like my own. I bit my tongue. I made myself smaller. I adapted to expectations I never agreed to.

And then, one day, I realized something: I was never meant to be small.

So I burned it all down.

I walked away from everything that wasn’t serving me. I left behind the version of myself that was built to please others and started over from scratch. I gave up the security of what I knew for the freedom to build something real—a life that feels like mine.

It hasn’t been easy. I’ve gotten things wrong. I’ve stumbled, second-guessed myself, and had moments where I wondered if I made a mistake. But every time, I brushed myself off and kept going. Because even on the hardest days, I know this: I would rather fail at building a life that’s truly mine than succeed at living a life that was never meant for me.

And yet, this country still tries to tell me I am less.

Less because I refuse to define my worth by a ring on my finger.
Less because I won’t give my body to a role I never wanted.
Less because I dare to choose myself, my happiness, and my own version of success.

I refuse to accept that.

The Unbound Sky isn’t just a project—it’s a reclamation. A refusal to live by rules I never agreed to. A space for women who are tired of being told they have to shrink, apologize, or play by someone else’s rules.

I am just getting started. And if any part of this resonates with you, maybe you are too.

Let’s expand. Let’s take up space.
Let’s burn the rulebook and build something better.

Welcome to The Unbound Sky.